Service standards
Development of internal corporate standards


The Corporate Book of Standards is a set of corporate rules for customer service, which helps to adapt new employees in three days and also serves as a visual handbook for key personnel.

Short sale scheme - a scheme of work of a manager or sales assistant with prescribed speech modules, which can easily be applied in work with clients.

Package of presentations - standardized speech modules reflecting concepts of a brand and a company, which give the opportunity to your personnel present the goods and a company to the clients in unified style.

Answers to typical objections - answers to the most frequent customer resistance.


Competition analysis, loyalty and promotion programs, consumer surveys

Acquire the full range of marketing services in one place. We have developed a 3-step model to achieve maximum results. Step 1 Internal analysis of the company, analysis of markets and competitors, content analysis Step 2 Consumer loyalty analysis (consumer survey, data processing in SPSS and interpretation of results), segmentation, selection of target audience, channels of promotion and positioning Step 3 Creation of marketing budget, development of loyalty program, discount program, as well as philosophy of the company and its mission.

At the stage of implementation of the promotion program, the company is fully supported.

Leading and development

Maintaining accounts in VK, FB, Instagram - selecting the target audience and positioning social media accounts according to your business, providing accounts with attractive and interesting content, writing unique texts, conducting contests and surveys, consulting on social media development, providing reports. Developing social networks, you will not only acquire "live" clients, but also form the necessary image for your company.

School of smm - expert - teaching principles of promotion in social networks, analysis of successful profiles, choosing positioning, masterclasses on writing texts and selection of content. With us you can easily train promotion in social networks to your employee.

Profiles design - creating menus, banners, albums according to your positioning


Implementation of acceptance and onboarding standards, creation of image job offers, assessment testing

Building an internal corporate institute - involves the development of job descriptions, structures of internal interaction, subordination and accountancy, onboarding programs for employees, participation in creation of a corporate website - "career in the company", as well as an employee loyalty program to the company.

Staff recruitment - creation of an image vacancy that will immediately attract attention, placement of the vacancies in the top-rated websites of the region, in popular social groups and communities, ensuring the flow of applicants, expert evaluation of personnel.

Assessment in the recruitment process - interview with an applicant, development of cases for the position, assessment of development prospects and relevance of the position.

Personnel certification, audio and video analysis, mystery client

Attestation of personnel- the coach in the mode of game sale or contact, analyzes the level of service of staff in the company while filling in an approved certification sheet.

Mystery client - specially selected type of customer, who comes under the guise of an ordinary customer and assess the quality of service in your company, recording a dialogue with the seller (manager, administrator) on the recorder. The business coach provides consolidated analytics throughout the company along with reports of "mystery client" and recordings.

The analysis of audio and video records at work with clients - if you keep a record of calls and visits within the company, they can be provided for analysis and the general conclusion by the business coach on several parameters: the level of friendliness, knowledge of assortment and its features, orientation on sale, compliance of standards as "technique of sale" or "technique of service", the general impression of work of an employee.

Development of tests and assessment systems - based on the structure of your business and the specifics of goods or services, we will develop for you an assessment system with which you can divide the staff by categories and professionalism. It will include tests, which includes questions on assortment knowledge, internal business processes, techniques of sales and company news.

Training for managers, sales consultants, administrators, logisticians, directors, taxi drivers, fitness coaches, waiters.
Each training is developed individually.

Service training for taxi, beauty salons and restaurants.

Training for managerial staff (setting goals and objectives, delegation, staff motivation)

Workday photo (mini training to optimize the work processes in the company)

Time management (art of time planning)

Active sales technique (direct and telephone contact, supply and logistics)

A unique service "coach-employee" - based on the results of business trainings the most successful candidate is selected and adapted to maintain the effect of training! Successfully implemented in other companies!

A set of measures aimed at creating warm and friendly relations with the customer

Creating an atmosphere on the trainings - teaching the staff a sincere approach to the customer, the ability to support, expressing empathy, foreshadow background expectations, cheer up, make a compliment. The program includes exercises on role flexibility, switching ability between processes, positive thinking, client-side customization. The purpose of training is to develop the loyalty of your staff to the customer and teach them on turning customers into friends.

Atmosphere in loyalty programs - development of a promotion program based on the economy of impressions, when the customer will receive not only material benefits, but also a positive charge of energy and emotions. In the program, advertising actions are directed on smiles of the customer and their gratitude, texts are directed to form positive image of the company, introduction of philosophy and mission based on important human values, activating positive responses on various platforms where clients share their impressions.

Atmosphere in social networks - developing the positioning of your social networks, generating trustworthy posts, prompting customers to like, repost, comment and purchase. We will teach you how to make transactions on social networks.